Participation in school sport is encouraged. We participate in a number of sports as part of the Health and Physical Education Program. A variety of skills are taught as children move through the years.
Inter-school sport is organised on a fixture basis. For those who are not selected to represent the school in inter-school sport, organised games are conducted one afternoon each week.
The school does not participate in the Friday afternoon Inter-school Sports Program. Three Gala Days are held during the year in which our school participates with other schools from our area.
District sports trials
Students from Mudgeeraba Creek have the opportunity to be nominated to participate in Oceanic District sport trials . Students must demonstrate that they have sufficient skills and aptitude at school or club level to participate in selection trials. Nomintations for Oceanic District trials are made by the Health and Physical Education Teacher.
House system
Children and teachers are allocated to one of four sporting houses upon enrolment.
Members of the same family will usually be placed in the one house but distribution otherwise is made in such a way as to keep numbers in each house as even as possible. Sporting captains and vice captains nominated by their houses will be elected in Year 6 each year.
Each year the school holds a cross country event, Junior Sports Day (Prep to Year 3), Senior Sports Day (Years 4 to 6) and a Swimming Carnival. All students are encouraged to participate in these events. Parents and family are warmly invited to join us on these days.
The names of our sports houses were chosen by the steering committee during the school’s planning phase. The committee aimed to choose names that reflected a local theme. Four Aboriginal words for local fauna were selected.